Click To Move controller and animation.

Hello i make a Moba(massive online battle arena(like dota)) styling game and i want some help.Could someone have a ClickToMove controller because i found one on unify and it plays good.But i have one problem…when i press on a far distance my character moves very fast to that point instead when i press on a short distance the character goes slowly to that.And if it is easy i want a script or something to play the animation walk when the character is between the starter point and the clicked point.And when the character goes to the clicked point to play the animation idle.I know im asking much but so sorry because i dont know to scripting and i want some help because im too young to go to a college to learn.
So far i want:
a)ClickToMove script(not from unify)
b)Animation(walk)plays when the character is going to the clicked point and when he stops to play the animation(idle).
Thank you so much guys!

I made mine by just searching

All the answers is there, you cant learn to program if you don’t try your self.
Never copy others code, only your own (Rewrite is good tho!).

Hint: Use Instantiate, LookAt and Vector3.forward (Just a few hints)