Hi there, just to start I know C# primarily on Unity C++ is my strong point (but too bad cuz unity doesnt like it)
My question is though is im looking for a movement “motor” like the games above where you click to move somewhere and it will then try to get to that position etc. and ive attempted this and already have a good click to move C# system BUTTT no pathfinding, i would like to know if anyone has any good scripts, ideas, ANYTHING because ive tried AStar or A* and i dont like it, when the objects gets near the end of a “wall” or object it begins walking into it trying to pass it and its just annoying. I was wondering if anyone had any [already working] script for it that i may be able to just place on a player object and just already to use good to go. If anyone could help that would be great
OH and if there is one that also has an ability to tell the code what objects not to pass through like terrain or structures etc. that would be cool if not i can try to implement one THANKS!!
P.S. I will also let anyone who has contributed know the progress of the game and that if at all i decide to put the game out for free that i will consult them before doing so and give credits so please give usernames/email adress or anyway at all to get a hold of the creator if it is not your work thank you.