As i said i need arrow which i can select and can be mulitple transition (three arrow) like in AnimatorController window. Its use texture/guistyle and GUI.toggle with rotated rect? if yes they are exposed in unity gui editor API ?(e.g. new GUIStyle(“name_for_arrow”) ) or use GL class or another solution? Could you help me with this?
i made small research with inspector for editor guistyles for me but no luck ;/
To my knowledge there’s nothing in the editor API, so you’ll have to use GL. See this link for a tutorial on drawing triangles.
To tell if the user has clicked on the arrow line, check if Event.current.mousePosition is on the line defined by the endpoints of the arrow +/- a certain tolerance, maybe 4-6 pixels or so.
AnimatorController just uses the GL class. The arrow heads are just triangles and the edges seem to be drawn using (undocumented) Handles.DrawAAPolyLine.
Drawing lines using Handles.DrawBezier works well enough for me. Having the lines clickable… that might be another story. I don’t really know how I’d do that.