Clicker Battery By BlueTooth

I’m trying to read battery level from the clicker, but it seems, unsuccessfully…

I’m using the microsoft example from here:

and because I can run UWP async methods on Unity, I created a Task running on the background, reading the battery level every xxx minutes…

var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(GattDeviceService.GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(GattServiceUuids.Battery));
var service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(devices[0].Id);
var clickerCharacteristic = service.GetCharacteristics(GattCharacteristicUuids.BatteryLevel)[0];
var BatteryLevel = await clickerCharacteristic.ReadValueAsync();
byte levelData = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(BatteryLevel.Value).ReadByte();

I also enabled the Capability on the Manifest:

And always get the same value [ 71 ] .
I tryed to charge the clicker, a still give 71 % of battery…

I also already checked that the service is the “Clicker” service, because if I print the devices[0].Name it will return “Clicker”…

Any help would be very appreciated…


According to the doc’s you need to get the updates from the bluetooth device.

You might want to try this example:
async void Initialize()
var batteryServices = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration

if (batteryServices.Count > 0)
// Use the first Battery service on the system
GattDeviceService batteryService = await GattDeviceService

// Use the first Characteristic of that Service
GattCharacteristic batteryLevelCharacteristic =

batteryLevelCharacteristic.ValueChanged += batteryLevelChanged;
statusTextBlock.Text = “No Battery services found !”;

void batteryLevelChanged(
GattCharacteristic sender,
GattValueChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
byte levelData = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader

double levelValue;

if (sender.PresentationFormats.Count > 0)
levelValue = levelData *
Math.Pow(10.0, sender.PresentationFormats[0].Exponent);
levelValue = (double)levelData;

batteryLevelTextBlock.Text = levelValue.ToString();

Thanks for your help,

but I already try that…

My callback " batteryLevelChanged" is never called…

But I was guessing that the callback is not being called because I’m running in a thread , not in the Unity main thread…

Because I can’t ( don’t now how to ) run async methods from the main thread, I’m lauching it in a separate thread…

ClickerBatteryTask = Task.Factory.StartNew( () => GetClickerBatteryLevelForEver() );

In this case my method " GetClickerBatteryLevelForEver " is the “Initialize” from the example.

And the callback is never called…
But maybe because the callback is defined on the main thread…

I will try passing the object as argument of the thread, so see if the callback is called…

Like This:

ClickerBatteryTask= Task.Factory.StartNew( () => GetClickerBatteryLevelForEver(this) );

And then :

private async void GetClickerBatteryLevelForEver( PowerManager pm )

batteryLevelCharacteristic.ValueChanged += **pm.**batteryLevelChanged;
