Clicker. Doubling the purchase price

Hi everyone. I am creating a clicker on a unit, there is an improvement that doubles the clicks (it costs 100 clicks itself). So, I need help so that with each purchase of this improvement, its price doubles … I will be glad to everyone who will help!

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Clicker : MonoBehaviour
    // --
    public Transform ShopPan;
    public Text MoneyText;
    public int Money;
    public int MoneyUp = 1;
    private bool Check = true;
    public int MainCamera;
    public int Price;
    public int PriceText;

    // --
    void Start()
        Resolution[] resolution = Screen.resolutions;
        Screen.SetResolution(resolution[resolution.Length - 1].width, resolution[resolution.Length - 1].height, true);
    void Update()
        MoneyText.text = Money.ToString();
        PriceText.text = Price.ToString();
    // --
    public void OnClickButton()
        Money += MoneyUp;
    public void OnClickShopButton()
        if (Check == true)
            Check = false;
            Check = true;
    public void OnClickBuy()
        if (Money >= 100)
            MoneyUp *= 2;
            Money -= 100;
            PriceText *= 3;

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