client/customers view

Is it possible for the client whom we’re building our game to view Unity Analytics data that we set up in the game, or is it for our viewing only (the dev team / company)? I couldn’t find the answer to this in the faq, sorry if I missed it.

You should be able to add a user to your project.


Click on Projects > Project members

Let me know how you get on.

Thanks. Is there an easy way to, say, have these clients/users take over payment for the analytics service when the game gets handed off to them? We don’t want to accidentally bill them for our Unity Pro subscription also, for example.

If not, is there a way to have it suspend service if it goes over the free tier limits?

You can also add them as an owner to a project, that way, they’d have control over billing.

I’m not entirely sure about the Unity Pro subscription, but I can find out further info for you if you’d like?

Thanks, that was just an example – what I meant was that we want a way to be able to use their credit card for analytics, but not for anything else involving Unity; we don’t want everything we ever do with Unity to get billed to their card, just the analytics overage.

Ahh gotcha, in that case it might be wise to transfer the unity project from one Organization to another, you must be the Owner or Manager of both Organizations. That way you can set up the billing correctly for the orgs while still maintaining access.

  • Navigate to the Unity Developer Dashboard and sign in if prompted.
  • In the top left corner under the Main Menu click Projects.

  • Click the project in question.
  • Click on Transfer project.

  • Using the dropdown menu, select the Organization you want the project transferred to > click Transfer project.

If your transfer is successful, you will see a confirmation message at the top of the page:

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