Client-owned NetworkBehaviour does not receive NetVar OnValueChanged callback

I am spawning a NetworkObject with client ownership, and trying to subscribe to changes to a NetworkVariable (for the player name), but the client-machine instances are not receiving the OnValueChanged callbacks.

The object is spawned correctly with the right ownership.
The NetworkVariable is set to owner write permissions and everyone read permission.
The NetworkVariable value gets updated on all instances and I can read them on each client.
But the client does not receive the callback.

I am trying to create a UI (not a networkobject) where players details are shown, but players can change their details and these get live propagated to all machines. The OnValueChanged callback is very helpful to update the UI only when there are new values to show.

Any clues why?

public class KingdomsNetworkPlayer : NetworkBehaviour
        #region vars
        private NetworkVariable<FixedString64Bytes> m_playerName = new NetworkVariable<FixedString64Bytes>(new FixedString64Bytes("New Player"), NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Owner);
        public string PlayerName => m_playerName.Value.ToString();
        public void SetPlayerName(string newName)
            var newValue = new FixedString64Bytes(newName);
            if(newValue != m_playerName.Value) m_playerName.Value = newValue;

        private NetworkVariable<int> m_playerNum = new NetworkVariable<int>(0, NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Owner);
        public int PlayerNum => m_playerNum.Value;
        public void SetPlayerNum(int num) => m_playerNum.Value = num;

        public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
            m_playerName.OnValueChanged += OnPlayerNameChangedEvent;
            m_playerNum.OnValueChanged += OnPlayerNumChangedEvent;

            if (IsOwner)
                KingdomsApp.Inst.ReadyToLaunchLobby(); //NB: This just triggers a lobby-style UI

                if (IsHost)
                    m_playerNum.Value = 1;
                    m_playerNum.Value = 2;
               //NB: This is the client-side singleton that updates a local list of player entities
                KingdomsApp.Inst.playerManager.UpdateLocalAndNetworkPlayers(this, true);
                KingdomsApp.Inst.playerManager.UpdateLocalAndNetworkPlayers(this, false);

        public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
            m_playerName.OnValueChanged -= OnPlayerNameChangedEvent;
            m_playerNum.OnValueChanged -= OnPlayerNumChangedEvent;

        private void OnPlayerNameChangedEvent(FixedString64Bytes previousValue, FixedString64Bytes newValue)

        private void OnPlayerNumChangedEvent(int previousValue, int newValue)

The Owner client will not get the callback. It’s assumed that it already knows it has changed its own value.

Thanks for replying. I should have been clearer about my question: the client machines are not receiving callbacks from the host/server. The client receives his own callbacks, and the server receives callbacks from host and clients. But the client is not getting the server callbacks. Maybe the server netvar onvaluechange events are happening before the client NetworkObject is fully spawned?

The workaround that I have ended up using is to trigger the client machines to re-read all the netvars when they get their own callbacks. I am only doing a boardgame so this level of fudging is passable, but it still seems pretty hokey/quirky to me.