CLIMBING SYSTEM - [Official Thread]


This is the official thread to get informations and ask something about Climbing System. Feel free to ask or give suggestions.

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:zap: Make your game development easier and faster with Climbing System: with this package you will be able to create characters that can climb on ledges and ladders, with fluid gameplay. Also climb movable objects. :zap:


Abilities included in this package:
Free Locomotion: walk and jog in any direction.
Strafe Movement: strafe movement when zooming or when you want.
• Crouch.
Climb Ladder: also jump from ladder in any direction.
Climb Ledges: move on ledges, jump in any direction, turn ledges.
Drop from ground to grab a ledge.
Lower climb.
Step up.

:zap: FEATURES: :zap:

• Script-based animator: Only three parameters to work with and no explicit transitions.
• No animations events and curves: all transition and IK works without any animation event.
• IK for hands and feet on climbing situations: Atuomatically adjust hands and feet during climbing. Fully customizable parameters to adapt to any character.
• Custom Inspector: friendly inspector to help you change scripts parameters.
Custom Editor window to create new characters: create your character fast.

DESIGNED FOR HUMANOIDS: All scripts were designed to be used in Humanoid characters. Using scripts in Generic rigs are not guaranteed.

Shooter System
InControl (Read User’s Manual to get these scripts)


What about continuous climbing up the side of a wall? Like in assassins creed.
Climbing up some vines that cover the entire wall.

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The problem for me to do things like this is not programming, but animations. To create this package I search foi available animations in Mixamo. I would like to put more skills in the climb, but for now I’m limited to available animations in the Mixamo.

But I really apreciate your suggestion and be sure I will really think a way to try implement it.

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This is now the official thread to ask about Climbing system.

is there going to be ootii Third Person Motion Controller support?

Does this work with invector 3rd person controller

Actually it’s not working with both Otiii Third Person and Invector Third Person. But I have plans for this. But it will take a time.

Great job I think it’s just needs stair climb and that’s enough :smile:

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Ladder climbing being developed. A new update for the package is coming!

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Version 1.3 released today. New version now includes ladder climbing. Integration with Invector will be probably the next update in the future.


Hopefully integration with Ootii Third Person Motion Controller can be completed soon.

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hello, you have to make a video tutorial on how to integrate it into a character that already has its own mecanim system.

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Hello verdail. No, I did not do. But You can simply copy Climbing Sub State and paste it to your animator controller. You just have to add the animation parameters.

Is invector integration done??

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Not yet, unfortunattely. I’m a little busy at the moment, but as soon as I get more time, I will do it

Sounds like this doesn’t integrate with Ootii yet?

what is different in this pack that Otti does not? Just wondering, I don’t know to much about this. so I was wondering, Thanks.

I’m not an expert, but Ootti is a complete, customizable, high quality character controller. It currently lacks an advanced climbing system like this though.

I sent an e-mail to Ootti controller publisher. He made a climbing similar to this, but it seems there is no hand and foot IK when climbing. I have to learn two new controllers to create integration, Ootti and Invector. That’s actually my challenge at moment, because I took almost 1 month to integrate with Opsive Controller. Last month I did ladder ability in the package and I could not learn the new both controllers, Ootti and Invector

The ootii climb system doesn’t do ledge to ledge, or the hanging (no feet) climbing. It’s just has edge grab, shimmy, and free climb.

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