I’d like to thank you for this asset; I’ve been looking for a climbing system like this for a while, and this one offers even more than I hoped for.
First, would you consider the possibility of Final IK integration? Mainly for climbing and hand/feet placement on ledges or ladders. Other than that, I have a few questions/suggestions, if I may.
1) I believe it would be helpful if either the documentation or the videos described the setup in greater detail. It’s good to know you just need to press a button for new projects, but if you’re integrating the system into an existing one, you need to be very careful to avoid replacing your own project settings.
I essentially had to create a new project, compare the differences and dig into the editor scripts to see what the buttons do.
This could be avoided if the documentation said:
Add these 9 layers: […] (– is it necessary to place them at the same numeric position?)
and these input axes: […].”
But let me thank you for using a different colour for each layer in the demo scene, it makes it much easier to find out what’s going on without.
2) The Setup Scene button also throws an error if the asset folder has been moved or renamed because it attempts to load the Camera Rig prefab from an absolute path:
Assets/Dias Games/Third Person System/Prefabs/CameraRig.prefab
Would it be possible to change the path to a relative one, so we can move the folder around?
3) In the Build Third Person Character option, you probably ought to assign the Zero Friction physics material to all abilities – for example climbing sideways on a ledge doesn’t seem to work without it.
4) Where’s the best way to set speed of certain abilities?
For example, I think “side-ways ledge climb”, “ladder” and “crouching” is slightly slower than would be enjoyable in a game. I went with the simplest option and changed the animation speed in the controller but it’d be great if it was a field of the ability script (e.g. similar to “turn” speed settings).
5) When the player jumps in place, jump power seems to be ignored. I. e. even if I set ludicrously big jump power, pressing jump button when standing still only makes you perform a tiny hop.
6) During the Build Character phase, it’d be great if you could set a certain height which would then affect the added components. The Climbing System uses a 1.8m tall character. My own character is shorter (1.4m) and what I had to do is basically multiply the majority of “Vertical” parameters across all abilities (and the capsule collider’s height) by (1.4/1.8). The documentation isn’t overly detailed as I mentioned earlier, so I had to go with trial & error to see how certain parameters affect the climbing system.
7) When you run and want to jump from the edge of a platform, the player instead turns around to grab the ledge. That’s perhaps my main gripe – I think from a certain movement speed when running, the character simply shouldn’t be attempting to grab the ledge below his feet. You can jump earlier to avoid this behaviour, but that’s not what most players will naturally do.
Please consider all this as constructive feedback and my experience as a newcomer to this asset, not some angry criticism. I really like the system, I just believe these points could improve it further.