I have been playing with ARCore a bit this morning (and I am pretty new to Unity). Any thoughts on how to clip part of an object if it is “behind” a higher plane? You can see in this picture, their is a surface detected that is the coffee table and then the chair on a surface further back that is lower. Would be nice to clip the legs of the chair out so the coffee table effectively blocked them as it would be in reality.
Not sure if this is something ARCore can do (now or in the future) or something I can implement myself in my tests.
Hi @njgreb I think this can be achieved by modifying the shader on the material used to display the plane meshes.
In the HelloARExample, if you change the PlaneGrid material to one that is transparent but is capable of occlusion you’ll have the intended result (I suppose).
This was more easily achieved using Tango, since they provided the shader capable of doing that. I’ll attach it here so you can try (Apache Licensed, AFAIK).
Hi @eyeofhorus , not sure what are you using the shader for. I would like to emphasize that it is written to work with Google AR Core or Google Tango camera prefabs.