clipping with transparent/diffuse shader

I have a strange clipping when I switch from Diffuse shader to Transparent/Diffuse
This clipping changes when I rotate the camera.

The head mesh contains the lashes faces with appropriate normals, the texture has an alpha channel created using the dilating method of the unity user manual.

Someone has an idea ?

It’s the famous “hard to sort overlapping transparent geometry” problem (almost all realtime engines have this).

Try separating the eye lash into a different object (or use multi/sub object material). Then use regular diffuse shader on the head, and transparent just where you need it (eyelashes).

Yes, separating lashes and head did the trick, but the problem remains and is critical on the overlapping meshes of hair (which are separated meshes…)

Here is a project showing 2 spheres using the same texture with alpha, when you rotate the biggest sphere overlapping the smaller one, clipping occur.

This pb is very annoying to say the least, it never happened to me using virtools in the past.