Clone camera with settings in editor play mode

I am cloning the current camera using Camera.copyFrom to create multiple views. I also have an image effect component attached to the camera. Ideally I would like to change settings on this component during play mode in the editor and view how it affects the different views. However the changes I make in Play mode are not persisted in the clone call. Is there a work around please ?

The problem is that no changes made during play mode are saved so there are two ways. Either you buy this asset Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
or you try if you can get it working with Unity - Scripting API: ExecuteInEditMode

Thanks. I like your second suggestion. However I do need the ability to change the settings during play mode. Seems the work around is to manually copy the component settings from one camera to another, as specified in here. This only works if the list of components to copy are small.