Clones wont initialize please help

Hey guys so i’m having difficulty getting my clones to initialize when i press play on my game. When i press play the clones are all created but not initialized. I have to individually tick each clone box to get it to spawn and work on my game. I’ve tried everything to get it to initialize immediately but i’m stuck and dont know how to fix this issue. Could somebody please point me in the right direction thank you.

  void Configure()
        targetAspect = targetAspectRatio.x / targetAspectRatio.y;
        poolObjects = new PoolObject[poolSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
            GameObject go = Instantiate(Prefab) as GameObject;
            Transform t = go.transform;
            t.position = * 1000;
            poolObjects *= new PoolObject(t);*


if (spawnImmediate)

void Spawn()
Transform t = GetPoolObject();
if (t == null) return;//if true , this indicates that poolSize is too small
Vector3 pos =;
pos.x = defaultSpawnPos.x;
pos.y = Random.Range(ySpawnRange.min, ySpawnRange.max);
t.position = pos;

void SpawnImmediate()
Transform t = GetPoolObject();
if (t == null) return;//if true , this indicates that poolSize is too small
Vector3 pos =;
pos.x = immediateSpawnPos.x;
pos.y = Random.Range(ySpawnRange.min, ySpawnRange.max);
t.position = pos;

void Shift()
for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
poolObjects_.transform.position += -Vector3.right * shiftSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

void CheckDisposeObject(PoolObject poolObject)
if (poolObject.transform.position.x < -defaultSpawnPos.x)
poolObject.transform.position = * 1000;

Transform GetPoolObject()
for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
if (!poolObjects*.inUse)*
return poolObjects*.transform;*
return null;

this is the code , any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is the object set-active in the prefab folder? If its not they wont start active, you should make sure that they are set-active in the prefab folder prior to instantiating them.