[Closed] Apply Animation Motion without Rendering

Hello Unitiers,

I’m currently at a point where I don’t know to even start. I have all my character’s moved via root motion of animations.

Now I want to code multiplayer. The only approach I want to go, is that everything is calculated via the server. Nothing is client side done then the input’s because of cheating.

So my main questions are:

How to start ??? Where to start ??? And what are the main topics in Unity for this ???

To clarify, what I need, all the standard things of unity without a renderer. Just in console. So the server has to be aware of all objects, and do everything unity can do, without a renderer. Is this possible?

If you could guide me to the correct links I would be really thankful x)



PS: I’m aware of the concept’s of handling things via Interpolation, … Time past, … The general aspects are clear to me, I only want to look for ways to use unity framework in a server console x)

I just deleted this message, because I misunderstood his question.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking for, but conceptually how you get a server / client relationship going in terms of character movement is that all movement inputs from the clients have to get collected and sent to the server, the server then moves the players and any other characters, and sends the resulting movement events back to the clients so all the character movement can be replicated on each client.

I believe there is at least one multiplayer tutorial in the Unity tutorial section. There are also free packages in the asset store that use a free version of Photon networking.

My main problem is, that every Unity tutorial about Networking is with a rendered window. I need a server just as a console.

Ok forget everything I found what I needed → -batchmode