[CLOSED] Gem Gather - A Unique & Better Version of Bejweled

Gem Gather

Gem Gather is a game that will be developed by Blue Bean Apps. The development will not start until January, 2015, after our current work in progress, Swimmy.


The gameplay will be the same as in the thousands of Bejeweled remakes our there - you will match 3 or more similar gems to destroy them. You will be able to upgrade gems up to a certain level (probably up 5 or 10). You will also be able to combine certain gems together to make stronger gems that will give more rewards for destroying them. You will have many spells you could cast that do various things that aid you. There will also be a ranking system for your player where you level up when you earn a certain number of total points or by completing certain actions. There will be 50-100 achievements to complete. There will be 1,000+ different combinations of gems to match, which means 1,000+ different ways to gain experience to level up and 1,000+ different ways to complete certain achievements. With all these ways to match gems that you will never match every combination of gems, so this should keep the game interesting!

Visit our website for further information!

- Chris

Work in Progress forum maybe? I think generally you are supposed to have something to show (screenshots etc.) before starting a thread.

Or possibly game design forum.

This is probably a pointless post (no oneā€™s going to get excited about a self-admitted Bejeweled clone months before its development has even started). And itā€™s definitely in the wrong forum.

I have not started work on it yet and I wonā€™t until my current WiP, Swimmy, is done. I just posted this so that people can spread the word about, but I did not put it in the WiP thread because it is not currently a WiP. I will make a WiP thread when I start development.

I posted this so early because I want people to give suggestions on what gems to have. You can see what I mean in my next post. :slight_smile:

- Chris

So the new Game Design forum would be where you shouldā€™ve posted it, then.

Yeah, alright. Iā€™ll go there. And that last post with the list of gems is really messed up with the centered bulleted lists!

Is it possible to delete this thread like how you can delete posts? Would an admin have to do it?

I think you can delete threads from the thread tools at the top?

No, hold on, this thread isnā€™t appropriate for the game design forum in this form. At the moment it reads like an ad, and the formatting is pointless and annoying.

If you want people to give you suggestions for different types of gems then thatā€™d be appropriate, but pitch it that way - i.e. as a question - not as a post mostly full of ā€˜coming soonā€™ space-wasting. I already deleted a thread like this one in that forum.


I do ask for suggestions on gems in my list of gems post. I listed the gems I have in mind to let people know what Iā€™ve already come up with and they can base some of their ideas on those gems. I could take out all the coming soon stuff to make it less like an ad. And what forum should I have this thread under, if not this one?

And yeah, the formatting on the list of gems post got really messed up somehow. I intend to fix that. For some reason, since the bulleted lists didnā€™t want to center align, I indented them to try to make them centered and it looked fine in the edit window, but then the post came out looking like it does and I donā€™t know why.

EDIT: I deleted the coming soon stuff from the first post and deleted the whole post for the list of gems. I hope this is better. :slight_smile:

Since we want so many unique gems, we need help coming up with the ideas! Please, feel free to throw your suggestions at us!

Youā€™re doing it in a super-offhand way though. Like, your post (before you deleted it, anyway) was a big infodump of a list of kinds of gem, and then at the end youā€™re just like ā€˜let me know if you can suggest more!ā€™ Itā€™d be much better if you posted a more direct request, explained your constraints - for example, is it the case that you specifically need sets of 5 thematically linked gems, or will any number in a set do? - and actually lead with what you are asking instead of posting a load of stuff we donā€™t care about and then asking at the end. Explain your problem first, sorta thing.

If youā€™re coming here specifically to ask for ideas of different gem sets you could include in your game, or (even better) advice on how to come up with / be inspired to think of the sets on your own, then thatā€™s a Game Design post.

Itā€™s the center align - and the purple text - that Iā€™m talking about. Why are you doing that? It makes it look like you care more about how your post looks than about what it says. The center-align in particular also makes your text harder to read.

Formatting aside, your first post is better now, but Iā€™d still look at that and go ā€œā€¦and why are you telling me this?ā€ Whatā€™s your actual purpose posting all that stuff?

You mention ā€˜spreading the wordā€™ but nobodyā€™s going to do that when all you have is a paragraph about a match-3 game with some vague ideas about novel mechanics - if you had screenshots or a prototype to show then you might have something in the WIP forum, but you donā€™t, yet.

Are you looking for feedback on the design? In that case youā€™re going to need to be a lot more specific about how your mechanics work, because theyā€™re far too vague to discuss at the moment.

Orā€¦ something else?


@superpig Would coming up with ideas for the game (brainstorming) count as working on it (would it make it technically a WIP)? Iā€™m basically brainstorming things to I could include in the game. I could post comments on new ideas Iā€™ve come up with as I think of them.

Anyways, can this whole Gem Gather thread be deleted? Iā€™ve decided that it is a bit too early to be doing something like this and Iā€™ve recently decided to start writing on an ebook I could sell on Amazon to make money to publish my current WIP, Swimmy, so I am taking a bit of a break from game development as it is, so this whole thread is pointless. Creating this thread was one of those things you think is a great idea at first, but once you make it happen, you realize it doesnā€™t really work out in the end. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully, I can create the Gem Gather WIP thread soon, and actually have screenshots to go along with it, but patience is a virtue. :slight_smile:

- Chris

Well, if you want to use a single WIP thread as a kind of ā€˜development journalā€™ then I think thatā€™d probably be OK. But I wouldnā€™t recommend doing it when youā€™re only at the brainstorm phase - itā€™s too early, just like what youā€™ve found with this thread :slight_smile:

Iā€™m going to leave the thread here. I donā€™t think itā€™s pointless - maybe it will help to inform others about the best way to discuss their ideas - and I donā€™t think itā€™s anything you should be ashamed of. Many ideas fail; itā€™s an inevitable part of learning.

Do your ebook and finish Swimmy, then come back with Gem Gather and decide how the community can help you make it happen. Good luck :slight_smile:

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@superpig Thanks! :slight_smile: