Cloth and Static Colliders (no Rigidbody)

I’m using capsule colliders attached to my character’s bones to have collisions with clothes.

As far as I understand, static colliders are really expensive on the CPU. The colliders I created don’t have rigidbodies so they are static colliders… and they show up in the profiler with a warning. Look at the attached screenshot.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to improve their performance (to not be treated as static colliders maybe?).


The moment you move your character, the static colliders cannot be treated as static anymore. They are meant to be applied to static buildings, items, etc.

You need to add a rigidbody to your parent object, then only will they not be treated as static.

Ohh, thanks! The solution:

  • Tick isTrigger in the collider.
  • Add Rigidbody.
  • Set isKinematic in the rigidbody.

No more warnings in the profiler :slight_smile: