Cloth coefficients are not updating

I have set the coefficients of a Cloth object in Unity 2017.1.1f1. I update them 5 seconds in and they do not get appear to be updated in the Scene view. If I set a breakpoint, the coefficients have indeed changed, but the Cloth object still maintains the old values and behavior. I am attempting to clear out all the values for maxDistance to be the Maximum value. it seems to work, but the Cloth does not change its behavior. Any ideas? Thanks!

            Cloth[] clothObjects = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Cloth)) as Cloth[];

            foreach (Cloth cloth in clothObjects)
                ClothSkinningCoefficient[] newCoefficients = cloth.coefficients.Clone() as ClothSkinningCoefficient[];

                for (int count = 0; count < newCoefficients.Length; count++)
                    newCoefficients[count].maxDistance = float.MaxValue;
                    newCoefficients[count].collisionSphereDistance = float.MaxValue;
                cloth.coefficients = newCoefficients;

cloth.coefficients = newCoefficients; is a temp value created for the loop, once the loop completes cloth is removed.

try a for loop

Cloth[] clothObjects = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Cloth)) as Cloth[];
for(int i = 0; i < clothObjects.Length; i++)
    ClothSkinningCoefficient[] newCoefficients = clothObjects[i].coefficients.Clone() as ClothSkinningCoefficient[];

    for (int count = 0; count < newCoefficients.Length; count++)
        newCoefficients[count].maxDistance = float.MaxValue;
        newCoefficients[count].collisionSphereDistance = float.MaxValue;
    clothObjects[i].coefficients = newCoefficients;

I tried. It did not work. You are correct that it a temp variable created for the loop, but it is a reference to object. So changing the temp variable should change the referenced object. Also, the values are changing. It is working. It is just not rendering the new values visually. I appreciate your ideas!