To reproduce the list of errors generated create a new or use an existing project and attach the cloth component to the gameobject. Upon selecting the object in the editor exceptions will be thrown. It can also generate a black screen in the scene view as well in certain circumstances (although I can’t figure out how to reproduce this every time)
Says fixed in 5.4.0, but it appears the bug has popped back into 5.4.0.b13.
I submitted a bug report with similar information and an almost empty project with just a plane and an added cloth component to demonstrate the bug.
Edit: update from the bug team, “While it says that it is fixed 5.4, the fix should land in one of the upcoming betas. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.”
I also have the same problem Our project is using cloth physics and whenever I go to the cloth component of Unity 5.4.0b11 / 12 I gives me the same error.
A fix for these is currently en route to 5.4. It should be available soon. They are not serious errors and are just GUI related.They do not affect the cloth component as such.