Cloth self-collision: Selection not saving / unselects after clicking Play

Hi, I’m trying to implement a simple flag model with cloth physics. I set restrictions to the pole of the flag so that it hangs on it and set up colliders for the pole.

Now I would like to implement self-collision so that the cloth mesh interacts with itself. However, when I make a selection of vertices using “Edit cloth self/inter-collision” in the Cloth component and click Play, the cloth is not behaving as if the collision is enabled. Resuming back to the editor, I can see that no vertices are selected. From the tutorials I’ve seen, there is no Save or Apply button to save the selection as it is saved automatically.

I can make the selection again, but clicking play deselects all vertices. The same thing happens if I use Paint selection. In Physics settings, intercollision is enabled.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?


Edit: I also suffered from Cloth-related performance issues whenever there were more than four Cloths in the scene.

I was using just one, but having switched to Unity 2019.2.4f1, Cloth broke completely. The flag is now wrapped around the pole and the app runs at 1FPS at best.

Bump. I would also like an answer on this, I’m in Unity 2019.2.8f1 and am experiencing the same problems. Getting either the cloth constraints or self collision vertex editors to work after pressing play is spotty at best.

Me to… the same

Cloth is broken since somewhere 2019.2. there are multiple severe issues. Some have been fixed very lately, in the 2019.3 release, but by far not all.

Unity 2018.4 The same issue.