Cloth Sprite is an easy to use 2D cloth for your Unity game. It’s as simple to use as Unity’s built-in sprite and is a perfect beckground decoration for your 2D game.
2D cloth simulation that runs on any device including mobile.
Easy to set up and configure: add an object, assign the image, hit play and see it in action.
Simple and intuitive customization.
Optimized to run smooth and to self-disable when not moving or off-screen.
Perfect for quickly creating cloth decorations for your 2D game.
I recently bought your asset. And am tryin to implement like piece of cloth on my character player. The thing is that i want to achieve that the cloth moves when the player moves, is this possible in anyway? or the cloth only have movement with the wind serialized option?
Not at the moment. Cloth sprite is supposed to work as a decoration fixed in space. If you move it around it will move as a whole and not as if you moved the points it was fixed on. It’s possible that I’ll update it to work this way in the future but that will not happen anytime soon.
I thank you for for using my asset. But If it doesn’t doesn’t suit your needs I will gladly refund it.
I don’t want a refund, i can still use it for other purposes. Thanks for your reply and your attention. I check it your web and you have nice stuff, hope you will update the asset some day, the results are really nice btw. Congrats for the great work.
Hi, I just got the asset so I can make some curtains on a mansion and the wind effect is working fine except once it reaches a peak point the curtain remains there and doesn’t move any more. Of course I want it to have a wavy effect. I also want to know if it is posible to adjust the anchor points in the mech other than the 3 options given?
Hi. There’s no way right now to change the anchor points. And I’m yet to add a way to make the wind cause waves on the cloth. I hope to do this in a week or two.
Hi, I just got the asset. It’s great. I’m making a long flag, but the jitter is very small. If there is a wavy effect, it will be very good. I urgently need this effect. Can this effect be achieved in the near future?
In addition, it will be more perfect if 3D collisions can be added in the future.
Thank you.
I’ll try to add more visible waves ASAP.
I can add 3D collisions but there’s a regular 3D cloth for this. This asset was created as a very simple and easy to use decoration that would work for 2D games. What would you like it to do that regular Unity Cloth can’t do for you?
Sorry that I’ve missed your question months but better late than neve. If you mean, if the asset will work the same if rotated, it looks at the moment that it will not. I’ll need to update it to allow that. I’llt ry to do that soon, though cant promice much at the moment.
Hmm. It should work without any extra setup and just react to any 2d collider taht passes though it.
Hello. Before Buy this package i would like to ask a question.
I have a plan making ironing cloth game.
Basicly i will have two sprites. one is flat(maybe cloth sprites via your package) and other wrinkled cloth (maybe also with yours) And when iron is on the top of these sprites i will delete(erase) top sprite(wrinkled) and below will be stay as it is.
Does your package work with this idea?