Clothes cause armpit problems

Hello everyone! I created a shirt to which I applied two pJCM the CollarUp_55_L and the R in order not to have defects under the armpits In Daz it works fine.

But when I import it into Unity it doesn’t work. It seems that the two pJCMs are not activated. How can I fix? thanks.



what is a pJCM?

if that is a corrective shape based on bone interpolations, chances are good it will not translate to game engine. But you don’t need a corrective shape, this is just oversight in the skinning process. It will take 10 seconds to fix using the standard skinning tools.

If you dont know how to use the tools, it could take a day to learn. The basic problem is that a vertex or two has influence from wrong joint. All it takes is a touch of influence from the correct joints and you’ll be done.

Exactly! is a parameter that appears in blendshapes and that should go from 0 to 100 as the shoulder rises correcting that problem.
Thanks for the solution. I tried to do a search but I find many different extensions. Could you give me a link of a tutorial?
Thank you

you’ll have to edit the skinning aka skin weights in some 3d program, such as blender.

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I don’t think Unity imports any sort of synchronization between blendshapes and bone animations. It may not be something that can be saved in an FBX file anyway. Someone tell me if I’m wrong.

Like BIGTIMEMASTER already mentioned, you’ll probably have to import the model in to Blender and mess around with Vertex weight painting or something. I find that having clothes as separate meshes is real pain-in-the-behind, though. Good luck with that.

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Uniity does not import “drivers” (that’s what they’re called in blender) for blendshapes, you have to script them yourself.

We make a ton of armor and clothing for UMA. The trick is the weight painting.