

i have an already animated charakter that works perfect with unity. now i want to add some clothes and let clothilde do the work. is there any chance to export that file so i can use it with unity… bake it??? i see the whole problem with the physics and keyframe animation and stuff, but maybe there is some kind of trick to make that possible? it just doesn’t seem to get clear to me. does it all depend on bones?
what is with the mesh ?



“Clothilde” is a Cinema 4D module and has nothing to do with Unity. Unity currently doesn’t handle “Soft-bodies” but I heard that there is a way to do softbodies via code although not as good of course. If you need for the cloth to just behave as you want to you could animate it and bake that and use those animations inside Unity.


thanks for the reply,

i searched for a way to do that, and the only thing i found to bake deformation directly to a mesh is the point cache tag…
like expected the thing with the tag doesn’t work with unity. how can i manage
to do that? i saw a tutorial for 3DSMAX and there is a way to bake animation so i guess it should work with cinema too.


so what i did now is, i attached a point cache tag to a simple plane animated with clothilde(wind). i baked the animation, deleted cloth, collider and belt tags and set just for the try 20 keyframes by hand. after that i deleted the cache tag and the 20 frames looked fine.
i export that scene as fbx and load it in unity. no matter what setting on import there is no animation file created. i don’t get it.
where is the differennce between a normal by hand animated mesh with keyframes and this animated plane?

could someone tell me if this is going to work!!! it freaks me out! :slight_smile:



Softbody script “compile errors”. Unity not recognizing semicolons. WTF!?!?! Help?