Cloud Build All Black (runs fine locally)

Super excited by the idea of Cloud Build, however, on my first project:

  1. iOS project works fine when I build to my HD, and deploy using Xcode 7.3.
  2. After installing through Cloud Build, the Splash Screen loads and then the screen goes black. No errors, no complaint, just black. The app is still running; but nothing happens.

Any ideas on what to change or check for?

Welp, I think I got it figured. Turns out, if you don’t add the scene in the Build Settings, it doesn’t work with Unity Cloud Build (although it will work locally). So be sure and add the Scene even if there is only one.

Yup, need to have a scene in the Build Settings and that checked in, or you can set the scene list in UCB Configuration.

More Info:
The BuildPipeline process (runs both locally and in UCB) will automatically add your currently open scene if BuildSettings does not have any scenes defined. The catch is UCB opens your project and defaults to a new empty scene, the same happens locally the first time you open an existing project on a new machine.