Does UCB support the options as in the build window for ETC2 fallback (32-bit, 16 bit, or 32-bit half resolution?) Or are all UCB builds just decompressing ETC2 to full-size 32-bit?
We are seeing elevated crash rates in Google Play Console since switching to UCB, and suspect this is the reason.
You can add Pre-Export method which will be called when building on cloud. Below you can find example of such method (File has to be in Editor folder).
using UnityEditor;
public static class PreExportMethod
public static void SetETC2Fallback(UnityEngine.CloudBuild.BuildManifestObject manifest)
EditorUserBuildSettings.androidETC2Fallback = AndroidETC2Fallback.Quality32BitDownscaled;
Then you can select this method in “Advanced Options” of your android config on the Cloud Build.
Thanks, I’ll add that to my PreExport. I forgot that this one is handled via EditorUserBuildSettings, whereas the other issue I was looking at at the time (Enabling LZ4 compression, which Danny confirmed isn’t currently possible) is via BuildOptions.