With Cloud Build, if I try to install a new build, it will fail if there is already a build of that app on the device. If I uninstall the existing build, it will work. Not a big deal, still a nuisance.
Any way to get the new builds to install without having to uninstall first?
Most likely this is because you have a “Bundle Version Code” set in your player settings. If this is left to the default value (1), Cloud Build will automatically set it during the build process to match the build number. If it’s set to something other than the default value we leave it untouched. This is used during install of android builds for determining if it’s an update, or the same version of the app. If it doesn’t change between builds the install will fail.
Thanks @dannyd – just checked, Bundle Version Code is unchanged at default of 1.
Interesting. Are you getting a specific error message when the install fails?
Afraid not, just a generic cannot install message
Have you tried looking at logcat with the device attached to see if there is more detailed error info?