Cloud Build fails if any source or resource file name contains word "error"

'TestProj #3 failed to build for iOS!

Summary: 0 warnings, 3 errors:

No Library cache found - ALL assets will be re-imported.
[Unity] Initialize engine version: 5.3.2f1 (e87ab445ead0)
[Unity] *** 465c87c621e4e40429bd778bf7644130 replaces 36a0df8ff761644d78adb8ea11b9da1f at path assets/helpshift/plugins/ios/hsresources/hs-screenshot-error@2x.png
[Unity] Updating Assets/Resources/PopupError - GUID: f37eab03d81404f268fffb6771fb13c4…
[Unity] Updating Assets/GameRes/Game/PopupError - GUID: 0c6d8657f77654c8fa8c008e0566390f…

No. Those will get incorrectly highlighted as errors currently, but it won’t cause the build to fail. Check the full log for the real error that is causing the build to fail.

I just ran into something similar. My changelist name contained the word error and the build failed:

Not a blocker, I’ll just submit a new changelist, but just thought I’d mention it :slight_smile:


Hmm, I’m probably wrong actually. Looks like the previous build failed with the same error. This is probably not related to the changelist name. Sorry!
