Cloud Build is Building with the Wrong Unity Version

Hi there,

I have a problem with Cloud Build. I have an Android and iOS target setup with the “LATEST UNITY 5.4 BETA” option selected, but for some reason the project keeps failing to build. If you check the log it says Unity is being initialized with the wrong version:

So the build continues it fails because of commands that don’t exist in this unity version. I have checked and double checked the build version in Cloud Build config and it is definitely correct with Unity 5.4 Latest Beta being selected.

I have tried Build All and Clean Build all with no difference. Also tried setting to Beat 18 manually.

The same version builds perfectly in the Unity 5.4B18 Editor for all platforms.

Any ideas of help would be really appreciated.


Also looked in the ProjectVersion.txt file in the project Folder and that has:

Which looks correct too. This file is in the GIT repository.

I also deleted everything and checked out the git repository to check everything is in there and that built first time too, so it looks like everything is correctly in Git.

Should be fixed now. Was a configuration issue on our end.

This is also happening on our projects. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@mcarriere : what version are you trying to build with?

@dannyd : 5.3.2p4

5.3.2p4 was installed incorrectly on our end and is being fixed up. Usually it’s quick to replace it, but we ran into some other issues preventing a quick replacement so it will probably be another day before it’s fully replaced. Sorry for the trouble.

That’s unfortunate, but we can work around that. Thanks for the heads up!

@mcarriere : 5.3.2p4 should be installed correctly now. If you run into any more issues with it please let me know.

Thanks for helping out – iOS seems to be building now.

For what it’s worth, the first time we built after you sent the “all clear” did fail on us with the following message:

755: [xcode] Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 0 : [Warning: usage of --preserve-metadata with option "resource-rules" (deprecated in Mac OS X >= 10.10)!
756: /BUILD_PATH/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/bvr-1.2.12/lib/bvr/project.rb:482:in `exist?': no implicit conversion of nil into String (TypeError)
757: Finished: FAILURE

That and both the failure and the successful build took over an hour, when they usually clock in around ~30-45 minutes? (Not a complaint, just an observation.)

We’ve seen that “no implicit conversion of nil into String” error a couple times in the past few days and are working on getting it fixed up as well.

We are trying to build Windows desktop 64-bit and it fails because it is trying to use old version. The projectversion.txt shows m_EditorVersion: 2017.2.0f3 but its trying to build with

[Unity] Initialize engine version: 5.6.5f1 (2cac56bf7bb6)


Never mind, I figured out it was setup under cloud build