Cloud Build with remote and local groups problems. Remote Work but local not

I’m having trouble building via the Cloud. I currently have 2 groups in my project. A LOCAL group and a Remote group.

The build was successful and the remote addressables are being generated and updated in the CCD successfully. The problem is in the local group. The local group is not being generated.

In my project settings, I chose to generate addressables in the build, expecting that this local group will be included in the build, and indeed, if I do the build manually directly on my device, I can do it successfully. The problem is the build in the cloud.

When I do the build via CLOUD, the local group is not being generated, only the remote group.

In the Branch where the CCD creates the automatic build, I have included in the commit, a manual build of the local group. In the hope that the cloud build already has the local group. But still, it doesn’t work.
Any tips on how I can proceed?

These are the group settings:


And these is my CCD addressables config:

Some error when i executing my app in my phone:

2025/01/28 21:59:47.335 20145 20247 Error Unity Unable to open archive file: jar:file:///data/app/~~1gv1ue7YRB9kv_gFB250mg==/com.seveteengames.colheita-3rflD1frh0–gR2kl4vabw==/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/dc0dc4b010b216a8778d8c782c04c1dc_monoscripts.bundle

2025/01/28 21:59:47.372 20145 20207 Error Unity Failed to read data for the AssetBundle ‘dc0dc4b010b216a8778d8c782c04c1dc_monoscripts.bundle’.

2025/01/28 21:59:47.379 20145 20207 Error Unity RemoteProviderException : Invalid path in AssetBundleProvider: ‘jar:file:///data/app/~~1gv1ue7YRB9kv_gFB250mg==/com.seveteengames.colheita-3rflD1frh0–gR2kl4vabw==/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/dc0dc4b010b216a8778d8c782c04c1dc_monoscripts.bundle’.

2025/01/28 21:59:47.379 20145 20207 Error Unity UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)

2025/01/28 21:59:47.379 20145 20207 Error Unity UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:set_OperationException(Exception)

2025/01/28 21:59:47.397 20145 20207 Error Unity CRC Mismatch. Provided 533135fb, calculated 26dbcac from data. Will not load AssetBundle ‘localization-locales_assets_all.bundle’

2025/01/28 21:59:47.398 20145 20207 Error Unity RemoteProviderException : Invalid path in AssetBundleProvider: ‘jar:file:///data/app/~~1gv1ue7YRB9kv_gFB250mg==/com.seveteengames.colheita-3rflD1frh0–gR2kl4vabw==/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/localization-locales_assets_all.bundle’.