Update: Following the pre-release phase and from the feedback we’ve gathered, we are excited to announce that the Config-as-Code functionality that the deployment package ( link ) provides is now officially released! For the latest information please see this post .
Welcome to the com.unity.services.cloudcode.authoring discussion thread. You can use this thread to ask for help, share feedback, and have discussions about the Cloud Code JS Authoring package.
This package enables Cloud Code authoring for javascript, including script modification and script deployment directly from the Unity Editor!
The package includes a documentation to help you better understands the feature. This documentation is available directly from the package manager’s links and here
The minimum required Unity version is 2021.3+
Getting started
- Download Unity 2021.3.2f1 or newer through the Unity Hub.
- Go to Window > Package Manager.
- Install the package by name: “com.unity.services.cloudcode.authoring” (see: Unity - Manual: Install a UPM package by name)
Current state
The package is currently experimental to test both the authoring tools for the js scripting in Cloud Code and the deployments features from the Editor.
In terms of feedback, we’re especially looking for:
Can you think of any use cases that are not covered yet?
Are there any workflows that are unclear or missing?
Is there anything that is unclear or that you don’t understand?
Are there any issues or unclear parts in the documentation?
Please share your feedback in this thread.
How to report bugs
Ideally we’d like any bugs reported through the built in bug reporter tool, as that will automatically provide us with some relevant context.
Once you have submitted a bug report through the bug reporter, please feel free to start a discussion about it in this thread.
Thank you for your interest, we’re looking forward to your feedback!