Cloud Code with Javascript

I have created some javascript API endpoints with Cloud-Code. But I can’t figure out how to get the URL for each of those environment enpoints? From what I can tell, there is only 1 url… which doesn’t make sense. For example, the docs say this is how to get the url:<PROJECT_ID>/scripts/<SCRIPT_NAME>

Shouldn’t there be the environment name somehwere in t he URL??

Hi there.

I am also new to Cloud Code, but I could offer some advice.
To call a JS function, you need to do roughly this:

Dictionary<string, object> arguments = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "nameOfParameter1", "value" } } // Etc
var returnedValue = await CloudCodeService.Instance.CallEndpointAsync<returnType>("nameOfScript", arguments); // Return type can be a string, bool, int, etc.

Remember to add “using Unity.Services.CloudCode” at the top of your script, and install the Cloud Code package.

Hope this helps!

Hi @alan_negrete

The environment is not part of the URL. The environment is set when you “sign in” using the authentication service. The authentication service returns a bearer token that is used to authenticate the Cloud Code request and this token contains the environment ID.

Hope that helps clarifies things!