i am very newbie and english is not my first language please understand.
i want to use CCD for game update(ex: when you download game from app store, it is just 300Mbyte, but after install it, update is like 5Gbyte)
so i set CCD and i thought update is going well
but when i call “Addressables.LoadAssetAsync” it is load from CCD bucket server.
so i changed to load path like below
when i change profiles i confirm addressable inspect setting changed automatacally.
and “Build to CCD” result is below
and so, i change to load path another way
and “Build to CCD” result is below
i want to use CCD for game patch(update) system only
but when i running game “Addressables.LoadAssetAsync” must read from local data
CCD bucket call is for game patch(update) only.
any wrong or more information needed please reply
thanky so much Unity