I’m running a Cloud Save Query on Public player data from the client. I have an Access Control configuration that denies all access, and allows read access to Cloud Save data for players. When I run the query I receive a 403-Forbidden error. If I change the Access Control to allow write access to Cloud Save data it works.
Can you tell me if this is expected behavior, and how should I allow queries without allowing players to write to public data?
[edit]: for clarity, below is the Access Control config I’m using:
"Statements": [
"Sid": "DenyAccessToAllServices",
"Action": ["*"],
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "Player",
"Resource": "urn:ugs:",
"Version": "1.0.0"
"Sid": "allow-cloud-save-read-access",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["Read"],
"Principal": "Player",
"Resource": "urn:ugs:cloud-save:",
"Version": "3.2.0"
"Sid": "Allow-Access-Cloud-Code-Module",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["*"],
"Principal": "Player",
"Resource": "urn:ugs:cloud-code:/v1/projects//modules/*"