CloudBuild fails when certain versions of UnityIAP are included.

Update the version of Unity In-App-Purchasing (henceforth: IAP) from the currently used [4.1.5] to [4.4.1], as the use of GooglePlayBillingLibrary version 4.0.0 or later will be mandatory from 1 November 2022. The following information is provided.

After the update, when I try to build the package with UnityCloudBuild, the following error occurs and the build fails.

‘CloudBuildHelper.PreExport’ becomes a Pre-Export method that can be set in the CloudBuild configuration, but this method returns an error if it is not found even though it is implemented correctly.
Once the IAP version is changed back to [4.1.5] and CloudBuild is performed again, it succeeds.

Further investigation shows that in the UnityIAP [4.2.1] updated on 14 June 2022, the
The version of was downgraded from [1.4.1] to [1.3.1], but in UnityIAP [4.1.5] the version of is [1.0.1], therefore After updating the UnityIAP version to [4.4.1], I forced the version of the dependent to [1.0.1], commented out the part where the error appeared and tried CloudBuild. The error did not appear.

This means that if CloudBuild is executed with a version later than UnityIAP [4.1.5], the [1.3.1] on which it depends is affected and the Pre-Export method is not executed properly and build errors.
As mentioned above, we need to update to IAP [4.4.0] or higher using GooglePlayBillingLibrary version 4.0.0 by November.
We would like to expect a fix on the IAP side regarding this, can you please confirm?

To add to this, there is another project that uses [2.1.1], which depends on version [1.4.2] in this package. In this project, there were no errors when CloudBuilding.
(This project also implements ‘CloudBuildHelper.PreExport’ and specifies it in the Pre-Export method).

Unity Version : 2020.3.20f1
Build Platform: iOS, Android

@murakami_unity961 Thank you for the report, we are looking into this

After further investigation, it seems that when the UnityIAP is updated, the dependency com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json is updated to ver 3.0.2, but the update conflicts with third-party assets included in the project. The following issue has been identified.
After fixing the issue, CleanBuild can now be done successfully.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
We will close this issue as resolved.