When I try to change the lighting in 2017.1, shows me flowing:
Clustering job failed for system: 0xbd250853eb3ca2eb208b1a3506f999b6, error: 4 - ‘Out of memory loading input data.’.
Please close applications to free memory, optimize the scene, increase the size of the pagefile or use a system with more memory.
Total memory (physical and paged): 20230MB.
how do I solve it?
I had exactly the same message and then my computer locked up every time. The reason, for me was reaaaally weird and is probably not your issue, but here it is:
I had a lantern model with a ‘rattle’ animation on it (the handle and glass shield vibrated). I had inadvertently placed two animation controllers on it (“CONTROLLER file” in the files)—and that’s what caused the above problem. deleting them both and putting a fresh one one fixed it. Bizarre as hell.