Hi guys,
Is there anyone who has used “ClusterInput”?
I tried ClusterInput.AddInput() and ClusterInput.GetTrackerPosition(),
but it returns only strange values…
Furthermore, I cannot find Project Setings → Cluster Input described in this page.
I use Unity5.3 and 5.4(beta version).
Same thing here… doesn’t seem to get any “real” data. And documentation seems wrong (there is no “Cluster Input” in the “Project Settings”).
Using Unity 5.3.5f1
Any one has an idea?
Just found this thread. Even though it’s old, thought I’d add my two cents.
The Cluster Input editor only seems to present in Pro (or at least Pro that’s been activated with certain license keys).
I’ve worked with it in the past using the API to set up VRPN inputs directly. I’ve been away from that for a while and I’m having trouble getting it going again in 5.5. I’ll update if I have any luck.