Cmd-b iphone indie


using the installed project I plugged in my iTouch and hit cmd B (after setting up the iPhone Bundle Identifier) and it runs the code successfully but gives the error msg: Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image: Re-install the iPhone sdk.

I have the sdk installed should I point unity to it some how ?


Have you followed the set-up process for provisioning your device? All the docs are installed with your Unity iPhone build, have a look to be sure you’ve got that squared away.

yes I have. I have noticed there are quite a few threads on this error on the net so I am following some solutions up to see if I can solve it.


imparare - Are you able to build and download regular X code projects to your device?

I have seen that error message when using an iPhone upgraded to a “more recent” beta of the iPhone OS and trying to develop with the 2.1 SDK

@kenlem - no this is the first attempt

@ChuckT - I think this is where the issue is


Both the 2.0 and 2.1 iPhone SDK’s should work, do NOT download and use any beta SDKs.

My suggestion is to ignore unity for the time being and just get XCode and the iPhone SDK working first.

I mean that’s if there WERE any beta SDKs, right? :slight_smile:

But yeah- you’re going to have to restore your iPhone (or buy 2- they’re small) and put 2.1 back on it- if that’s the case.

iphone restored but still same msg

this thread here shows what to do but I am unsure on where to change the pahts

software version on iTouch is 2.1.1

Did you download and install the 2.1 SDK? If you do that, and the phone is 2.1, you won’t have to muck about with any paths.

This shows explict instructions for creating the links.

It’s on the main page off the iPhone SDK portal.

thanks guys
@Kenlem : followed this but same error occurs. This is the same advice as the link i just posted. Will restart the mac and see if it changes


restart was needed after:

  1. restore iPod
  2. follow the doc that Kenlem kindly posted a couple of posts back.

cmd-b now plays the installed project that comes with the iPhone.

this error seems to be quite prevalent (by googling) so it seems this is the way to fix it.

thanks again guys and this is awesome :slight_smile:


OK, you officially now owe me a beer. Next time, I’m in your neighborhood, I’ll be ringing you up to collect! :smile:

me and others cos I reckon I am the first of many

btw: the game/project it comes loaded with runs really nice.

thanks again to all

I don’t have a clue what this Terminal junk means. When I try

% cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport

I get

-bash: fg: %: no such job

What do I do?

…looks like it was a problem with those % symbols. How was I supposed to know that???

UGGGGG. Now what is this?? I did what it said, and then it said the same thing again!


that error looks like a verification problem for your license. Sure you set the bundle id in the player settings? (and naturally that you have a valid dev certificate from apple)

I found another thread around here that helped me out. I’ve really got to go to sleep now, but it’s around.

…I’m awake again.

One of the problems is that the iPhone SDK does not immediately work with the most current iPod touch (and probably iPhone). So what you need to do is create a link from the 2.1 image to 2.1.1 (actually the other way round). I think it’s a bit unfortunate that Apple hasn’t fixed that by now … means a lot of people end up googling … and I guess developers are simply expected to know how to set links via the bash. Might be good to add that somewhere obvious to the Unity iPhone manual.