CoD 4 "weapon classes"

I am making an fps game, and I am trying to make it so you can select which class you want. A lot of people i’ve seen looking for fully customizable classes. All I am trying to make is a little menu were you can select a preset class, before it spawns you, kind of like in split screen of call of duty 4. Could someone help me with this?

I’m assuming you’ve never programmed anything?
That’s alright, but you can’t expect to ask for something online and get a bunch of premade scripts.
I suggest you watch some c# or javascript tutorials as you can’t make a game without any knowledge of programming

I’m with the guys above on this one, there is so much in-between implementation and so many concepts to go across, none of which you’ve touched on here. I’d say you’d be able to figure out how to do this yourself after going through these tutorials and the beginner ones, as well. But, at the very least, once you’ve been through those and you’ve started working on it but need some technical help, you’ll be able to ask the right questions to get the answers you need.

Stick with it and make great use of that website, it taught me a lot.

Best of luck!