That’s a really weird behavior that started today, can’t trace it to anything in particular.
The execution started to freeze on
If I add another WaitForSeconds(1f), it freezes on the second one. Never seen this behavior before. Any ideas why this happens?
Can you show more of a code example? It could just be you’re creating an infinite loop.
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Yeah I know, I checked that many times - there’s no while(true) loop anywhere near. The code freezes on WaitForSeconds.
Again, post a code example.
No one can comment without seeing the code in question.
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Well fundamentally you were right)
It’s not the first time I came across this error, but its manifestation was rather perplexing)
Do you want to perhaps share with the class what the issue was and how you solved it? So that this thread might be useful to future readers.
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It’s not terribly useful I’m afraid, that’s what I meant by ‘fundamentally right’: one of the while(true) loops essentially had no way out.