code not showing up in visual studio

I’ve been using Unity for a while and I keep having this issue with coding, whenever I go to create a c# script and open it in Visual Studio it’s blank this is also only a problem with Unity when I make code in Visual Studio it works just fine. the code shows up in the inspector I’ve looked up solutions on forums, I’ve tried building the code into the project and that worked for a while, I’ve tried regeneration of the code, and I just can’t get anything to work. Visual Studio is fully updated and I’ve looked up solutions, and I’m

at my wits end.

It’s not blank, there’s just no file open.

Make sure Visual Studio is selected in your Preferences → External Tools. Regenerate project files for good measure too.

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it is open because I just did it again it opens like that, and i tried to regenerate the project files it doesn’t work. for some reason Visual Studio just stopped letting me code

Could you try Window / Reset Window Layout. Maybe a wrong manipulation removed the code window.