Code Snippet

Have you ever wanted to add a small piece of code to your component quickly? Code snippet helps you do that - at lighting speed!

Add a Code Snippet component and you can start coding right in the inspector. To get started even faster you can add frequently used functions with one click!

At the end of the day Code Snippet produces an normal component like you would expect. This means that there is no performance loss at all, and when you want to get more advanced, you can simply continue coding the component in your favorite editor!

Free In the asset store

Code snippet has been released! Link in the OP. Hope someone get’s use out of this :slight_smile: (Nah, sure it will)

–EDIT No javascript I suppose? --EDIT <<Forget that. LOL sorry
I think you and the guy who made Script Inspector could mix up your stuff. His lacks editing, while yours lacks syntax :slight_smile: you know what I mean.
Interesting asset nontheless.

Javascript is supported fully!

And yes, that bugged me while making this actually, haha. I was thinking about adding some basic highlighting, but figured reproducing Script inspector would be kinda unmotivating. If this get’s somewhere though, I’ll surely add something myself, or contact him :slight_smile:

Humm, Had a mistake in the OP. Code snippet is 5$, not 10$. Anyone who was held off by the price, you might want to reconsider

(I should just have said: 50% off now! haha)

The good news: Haven’t had bug reports yet!

The bad news: Haven’t had constructive criticism yet!

V1.1 Will have:
-Very basic code highlighting
-A bit sleeker interface

-Better default script names

Also, I’m still looking to solve this: I know you probarbly want to indent your code!

I think this has potential. Here is some suggestions:

  1. Bind it to a shortcut, so that we can select an object in scene, press shortcut and bam. It’s more immediate.
  2. Select where the script is saved. Is that possible now?
  • what you mention above.

A far fetched idea. Use it as a sperate window instead of a component ;-), with some kind of button that adds the written script to the selected object or select which script to edit if it allready has, or something betwen those lines. you get the point.
Just trying to suggest some ideas cause I like this and probably going to buy soon.


Ah, thanks for the interest! :slight_smile:

The window is some more work, I’ll look into that later, but I those are some good points. Hopefully coming in v1.1!

Sorry, I’ve been a bit to busy. After this week I have a bit more time. Sorry for the delay on the update!

+1 :slight_smile:

Uh, I didn’t think this would be a problem. I look at that and see if there’s any way around it…

Hi Flipbookee :slight_smile: Awesome to hear from you! Yeah, you come accros some weird problems when creating assets, haha :slight_smile:

I’ll send you a PM about highlighting and maybe other collaboration :slight_smile:

Just a heads up with good and bad news: Bad news, this is not longer actively supported, good news, it’s now free on the asset store :slight_smile: