Hi this is probably a dumb question but I have to know anyways.
I know that Unity allows assets to be streamed. So let’s say the assets such as models have been updated, then when the player logs in to the game(an online game) We can update the player’s client with the latest models, etc.
What about code and scripts? Is there anyway to stream the code to the players so that they always have the latest code without needing to update from Google Play or Appstore?
The reason for this is because I have an MMORPG Game that is for Android and IOS. It was relatively painless when it was just Android, as I can publish an update to Google Play anytime and within 1-2 hours the world will have access to it and my server simple informs the connected clients that an updated is available and directs the players to Google Play to download.
After I released the game to IOS and Amazon, this is starting to become a prickly issue. Now if I want all the players to play together I have to make sure that if a release is made, it has to be made to IOS or Amazon first, as they take 1-2 weeks to approve… then after IOS has published the latest update then I push it to Google so that all players are on the same code base. If I don’t time the release this way then I have to make the players with the newer client to go into a different dimension in order to avoid contact with players with older clients which can cause problems(e.g. new client has a new weapon that has brand new functions(code) then the old and the old client would not know what to do with such a new weapon etc.)
So, if code could be streamed or pushed to the clients without going through Google Play or Appstore, this problem would be a non issue, as I could just put the latest code on a server along with the assets and all players will always be up to date.
Is this possible at all?