Code with an error

Hello, I try this tutorial ( to create a level unlock system, but the script give me 2 errors:

“Assets/Scripts/LevelSelectScript.cs(12,28): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `<'” “Assets/Scripts/LevelSelectScript.cs(20,27): error CS8025: Parsing error”

This is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class LevelSelectScript : MonoBehaviour {
    private int worldIndex;  
    private int levelIndex;  
    void  Start (){
        //loop thorugh all the worlds
        for(int i = 1; i <= LockLevel.worlds; i++){
            if(<span id="IL_AD1" class="IL_AD">Application</span>.loadedLevelName == "World"+i){
                worldIndex = i;
    //Level to load on button click. Will be used for Level button click event
    public Selectlevel(string worldLevel){
        Application.LoadLevel("Level"+worldLevel); //load the level
    //uncomment the below code if you have a main menu scene to navigate to it on clicking escape when in World1 scene
    /*public void  Update (){
  if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) ){
    //function to check for the levels locked
    void  CheckLockedLevels (){
        //loop through the levels of a particular world
        for(int j = 1; j < LockLevel.levels; j++){
            levelIndex = (j+1);
            if((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level"+worldIndex.ToString() +":" +levelIndex.ToString()))==1){
                GameObject.Find("LockedLevel"+(j+1)).active = false;
                Debug.Log ("Unlocked");

Anyone can help me?

Line 12 there is bad, is that a formatting error from this forum or is that what is really there?

If so that should be:
