Passing an IAspect.Lookup to an IJobEntity results in “Exception: System.Exception: This method should have been replaced by source gen.” This previously worked in Entities 1.3.0-pre.1, but throws the exception in Entities 1.3.2, 1.3.5, or 1.3.8.
Replacing all of my aspect lookups with lookups for the individual components will serve as a workaround but I had been relying on this feature somewhat heavily so It’ll be tedious. Is there an easier way around this?
Just a heads up, Aspects are won’t exist in entities 2.0 (whenever that is out.)
They will survive the full 1.0 cycle though (which will be supported for U6 lifecycle which should be pretty long) but I wouldn’t really expect many fixes.
But yeah code gen of code gen is problematic. They should work in IJobChunk though.
A good practice is to put your systems in a different assembly than your components. If you put your aspects in the same assembly as your components and have your systems assembly with your IJobEntity reference it, then you will avoid this issue.