Codeless IAP not working on android phone

I am facing very interesting problem about unity iap plugin…
I am getting this error

I/Unity   (22397): IAPButton.PurchaseProduct() with product ID: hints10
I/Unity   (22397):
I/Unity   (22397): (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
I/Unity   (22397):
E/Unity   (22397): Purchase failed because Purchasing was not initialized correctly
E/Unity   (22397):
E/Unity   (22397): (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
E/Unity   (22397):
I/Unity   (22397): IAPButton.OnPurchaseFailed(Product , PurchaseFailureReason PurchasingUnavailable)

I also tried with code. In start method put the initalize functions but aain same errors. Where is the problem. Is that bug or am i missing something?

Also my game in play store pending and i created iap items.

Try to upload to the store as Beta version and check again.

@ZeN12 @UnityMaru @UnityCoach @danw_unity @ryan_unity

hello i am facing the same problem , my IAP button does not work
i have followed this link :-Unity - Manual: Codeless IAP
i have done all the step shown in this link and some that are not shown in this link like

  1. i imported iap plugin and fill in the google play key it needed
  2. i have created IAP catalog and buttons perfectly and linked it with the script storeHandler (handle when onPurchaseComplete and failed)
  3. then i exported google CSV file , and then i exported the project as .aab(<-playstore file not apk)
  4. then i uploaded csv and .aab file to my google play console as an internal test (alpha test ) and register my email as a tester in google
  5. after google publish my game , i downloded it from the link it generated for internal tester and there i see a failure reson → PURCHASE UNAVAILABLE

please tell me what am i missing?