I’ve finished my game, and I signed everything, packaged it and uploaded it to iTunes Connect. It keeps getting rejected due to my ‘Sandbox’ not being enabled.
I’ve been reading around a few forums, and I’m told to create a ‘GameName.entitlements’, and include:
<key>com.apple.security.app-sandbox</key> <true/>
I’ve done that, and I’ve placed it within my Content folder of my game.
Every time I try and code sign it with this:
codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Company" --entitlements "GameName.entitlements" "/Path/GameName.app/Contents/"
I get this error:
GameName.entitlements: cannot read entitlement data
Other people have been having this problem, and they were told to place the entitlement file on the same directory as the game, I’ve done that - and I still get that error.
What am I doing wrong here?