The way I code is a little different than what I guess most people code like. For instance when I see:
public float walkSpeed;
public float jumpSpeed;
public float gravity;
Mine would be:
public float _walk_speed;
public float _jump_speed;
public float _gravity;
Now my reasoning behind this is that the beginning underscore shows that you are directly accessing a object member. Now if I want to make the member private and give a property for it, the beginning underscore allows me to do:
ok (it also seem that _walkSpeed works too) but is there a way for thing to show up correct with the none unity way or to show the name exactly how it appears in the script (I rather see “_walk_speed” than “Walk _speed”).
I have a convention that I have been using (whenever possible) that works for me for the past at least 5 years but that is going to make thing in Unity inspector look kinda weird.