Collaborate corrupts playable files

Can you guys “collaborate” with the Collaborate team so that if more than one people breathe near a timeline, the asset doesn’t get destroyed?

I was editing a timeline when another member on the team switched wrap mode on the director from None to Hold.

The result was that as soon as I got the changes from him, this is all that was left from the Timeline I was working on.
6067446--657429--Screenshot 2020-07-08 at 3.31.17 PM.png

There have also been other errors in the past where clips would get duplicated or corrupted.

In short, it’s a mess. Can you tell the Collaborate guys to make it so that changes to playable are always conflicts and that it should not try to merge? It’s not working at all, and I’m lucky I caught it early this time.

I’m guessing the answer is no.

Can someone at least answer me if it’s collaborate that is messing up, or is it Timeline itself? If I leave collaborate and use something else, will my timelines keep getting corrupted? Are there really people using Timeline for anything? It seems the more I use the more problems I find with it.

I was about to replace tons of yield code with timeline, I’ll wait for an answer to this…

I reached out to the collab team about this. The problem is a merge issue using YAML files, and while they have added support for scenes and prefabs, they have indicated they are still working towards ScriptableObject support (.playable files are just plain old ScriptableObjects). So, in the interim, using Collaborate, timelines do not support merging.

It’s not supported but Unity tries to do it anyway? Can’t there be a way to always generate a conflict I will have to resolve manually instead of silently wiping my timelines, which I may or may not notice until it’s too late?

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