Collaborate - how to clear collaborate data and start afresh?


Apologies but despite filling in the online form from my emails I have not received anything granting access to the Collaborate beta forums so I’m posting this here (if someone could fix that I can post in the relevant forum).

It’s a quick question really - I’ve got the collaborate beta up and running in my project but unfortunately immediately noticed that some builds were present in the project folder that balloon the collaborate sync up to the Gigabytes mark for a currently very simple project. So what I’d like to do is undo initiating of the collaborate service on this project, clear the builds out of there and then re-enable collaborate with a leaner project directory. Problem is I cannot see any way to clear / flush / restart collaborate. Once it’s enabled that’s it, I seem to be locked in.

Am I missing something obvious?


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Hello NumT,
You can toggle off Collaborate for a project by going to the Cloud Service Panel (you can click on the the cloud icon in the editor toolbar to show the panel), then clicking on the Collaborate section. You should be able to use the toggle in the upper right corner to switch Collaborate OFF or ON.

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Hi NumT,

To go a little further, there is a new process to allow the kind of purge / reset it sounds like you want.

First, delete the builds, simplify your project folder to how you want it and then publish those changes. This should improve your sync times.

Then, if you want to clear out the backend storage used by those builds, you can use our new storage management feature:

  • Go to, sign in and then find your project.

  • Click on the name of your project and you should see a button that says “Go to Collaborate”.

  • Click that button, then go to the “Manage Storage” tab. This will show your project history along with buttons that allow you to archive the storage for files associated with that history.

  • If you just want to start fresh and purge all file versions except what is currently in the project, use the top-most archive button.

Please let me know if that process doesn’t cover what you’re trying to do as there may be other options.

Hello both - many thanks for posting responses, it’s much appreciated. I’ve attempted both approaches but now unfortunately seem to have a new problem :hushed:

I toggled collaborate OFF in the services tag and now it still says that its ON and if I click on it to toggle it off it takes me to a “Join the Collaborate Beta” signup. Arrrrgggghhhh! Otherwise it appears to be ON still but just seems to hang with “Please wait…” in the commit tab and a little error icon. Here are some images which will hopefully make this clearer. By the way are there any logs for collaborate anywhere? Oh and if I go to the page I’m told that there is no history for the project so I guess an initial commit never completed?

image1. Hmm… that’s strange I just turned collaborate off…

image2. Click on ON again to turn it OFF and I get the signup page…

image3. try to commit… stuck on please wait…

I am considering trying something drastic like clicking on the UNLINK button under services settings or trashing my temp and library folders and getting the project to rebuild but I have no idea if this will make matters worse. I also really hope I haven’t jinxed my collaborate beta participation and somehow am now not on it!

Any ideas as to what is going on here?

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the screen shots.

There is some Collaborate logging in the Editor logs that might be useful, but really it might be better at this stage for you to send us an email with your project’s UPID (found under Services settings) and we can take a look at what’s going on with your history, storage and any other problems in general.


Ah sorry for wasting everyones time but I think I’ve worked out the source of the issue. I forgot that I was using the experimental 2D features build (5.5.01a I think it was?) and that probably is why it wasn’t working for me. I’ve tried with the latest main stream beta build 5.4.0f1 and it’s running like the dream that was the on stage demo.

My bad - on the plus side I know a lot more about the various places I can observe my collaborate data.

Many thanks for the help!