Hey all! I’m super excited to contribute to this project and learn from everyone here, but as a brand new dev, I’m feeling a bit intimidated. I’ve been looking through the Codecks and this forum the past few days and I’m just not sure where to start. I assume there are others who feel the same. So, I propose that this thread be used for connecting with each other and finding collaborators. Here’s how it might work:
If you have a task already and are looking for a partner/team, you can post here and tag “[HELP WANTED]” at the top of your post.
If you do not have a task, but want to find a partner/team, you can post here and tag “[AVAILBLE TO HELP]” at the top of your post.
In your post include:
What are you working on/interested in working on?
What’s your level of experience?
What experience level(s) are you looking for in a partner/team?
What kind of collaboration are you looking for? (e.g. sending code snippets and feedback over Discord, meeting over Zoom and working together live, etc.)
What’s the best way to get in contact with you?
If anyone from the Unity team has a suggestion for how to go about this differently, I’m totally open to it. Just wanted to get the ball rolling and connect with some of you all!
Aside from personally feeling intimidated, I’ve also noticed that, in the “Official” threads, a lot of folks are working alone and generating a lot of independent, competing ideas, rather than truly collaborating. Don’t get me wrong: I think having diverse competing ideas to choose from is a good thing. However, too many PRs can be overwhelming for the Unity team, and having a few people working on each idea would likely increase the overall quality of the work. Maybe this is not really the case and others who have been contributing actively can correct me if I’m wrong.
I come from an education background and, from what I’ve seen, the most successful projects are always created by groups of students who each bring diverse skillsets to the table. When this is the case, the students involved always learn and grow the most as well. My impression of this project is that it is meant to be, at least in part, a learning experience. So I hope to find a group/partner who I can support and can show me the ropes of game development.
Thanks everyone. Looking forward to being a part of the team.
I like the idea, however I would change the “[FOR HIRE]” to something else that wouldn’t imply it to be an actual job. Maybe something like “[AVAILABLE TO HELP]” would be a better way to phrase this
That’s a good idea, Dylan. We don’t have a suggested way to collaborate among users so feel free to organise in any way. I think Official threads are a good starting place to somehow “intercept” a discussion as it develops, and propose a collaboration.
I really think we need a seperate Discord just for this project. It allows us to visualize how many people are working on what. Using just a forum makes it hard to communicate since it is never real-time, meaning we are rarely talking with each other and mostly “at” each other. It would improve motivation and could be a platform to meet-up, collaborate and have discussions about the game at specific moments of the day/week.
Don’t have time to put this into a tool, or even a spreadsheet, but figured I could at least go through the forum pages and curate all “I want to help” threads here so they could possibly be merged? Or at least recognized to be merged into their corresponding official threads (if they exist)? Apologies if I missed any.
That is exactly the useful part. People on this project are not in the same timezone, if we really relied on Discord for communication it means that conversation would happen while you’re asleep, and you would never be able to know unless you scrolled pages and pages of identical messages when you wake up (people tend to write more in chats vs. forums).
At least here we have things organised in threads, Official threads, with a robust quote system, and threads resurfacing if somebody posts again. Plus we can link them from within cards on Codecks and vice-versa. We couldn’t have a channel for each task, there would be too many.
Plus, another Discord would need dedicated moderation - something which is included by being on the Unity one.
I strongly maintain we don’t need a whole new Discord for this initiative, it would be a super hard space for us to keep track of and wouldn’t bring much advantages.
But Ciro, why not have both ? The forum serves as a the “main hub” where we pin down important decisions while the Discord is more for daily interactivity/collaboration.
The power of Discord is that it is a tool for collaboration in real-time while a forum is not. For discussions a forum is great but for doing the actual work I think it will create solo developers working besides each other instead of with each other.
Would it be ok if we made an un-official Discord for this project ?