Collapse/Expand all in Blackboard

Once shaders get even a modest amount of properties, it becomes very hard to see at a glance the layout of properties, their names and their order without manually one by one going through and collapsing them.

Having a collapse/expand all would help with QOL whilst having to use the shadergraph


Shadergraph gets really messy and slow when the shader grows. We need more features to organize everything. We need better performence.

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Whilst on properties, also need ways to group and organize these as well - and this should be reflected in the Inspector.

It looks so cluttered having everything listed with no headers. We should not need to write custom editor inspectors for every shader just to overcome this.

This is something I’ve requested and apparently has already been added into a future version - although I don’t know when they’re planning to release it for 2019 LTS

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